Your health


In 1 App

Manage and share your medical data with complete confidence

Your personal health environment

Take control of your life

Your personal health environment

Internationally usable

Personal Pharmaceutical Environment

This stores all the medicines:
    Which you take daily or periodically
    Which are in your home pharmacy
    Which are included in your travel pharmacy

All interactions with report
Information about each medicine is available:
    Brief leaflet on everything you need to know about the medicine
    Comprehensive package leaflet in a language that everyone can understand.

LIIF allows you to share this data with your healthcare provider.

Personal Medical Environment

Not only will all your personal medical data be stored in an anonymous and secure environment, providing you with a complete medical record. You are also able to share all or part of your data with the right healthcare provider at the right time.

Hereditary factors and family antecedents are also included in the health environment.

All reports from the symptom checker are in your file.


Internationally usable

Interaction Checker

Did you know that 2,500 people still die every year in Belgium due to interactions?

The LIIF interaction checker ensures the safe use of medicines and gives you the necessary information about the risks of combining with other medicines, food, alcohol, herbs and disease.

Our pharmaceutical knowledge database contains more than 4,500 detailed drug interactions and data from 43 countries.

All interactions are displayed in your personal pharmaceutical record and can be shared with any healthcare provider.

Symptom Checker

This dynamic interview analyzes initial symptoms, comparing them with hundreds of diseases collected in our extensive Medical Knowledge Base. We guide you to the right care.

Always use the symptom checker prior to your consultation with the healthcare provider.

A summary of the interview will be added to your personal health record.


The MEDREM is first and foremost a smart alarm clock that allows you to:

    Take your medicines correctly and on time
    Keep track of your medication supply
    Ensures timely ordering of a new supply of medicines

The MEDREM is an excellent aid for chronic patients.

Finally, the MEDREM registers your appointments with your healthcare provider and reminds you on time.

Available soon

Register now for the free APP

Android - iOS - Web ( Desktop / Laptop )
We will never share your email address with anyone else.
